Breathwalk instructor training in Mölle and on Kullaberg (Modul 2)
Do you want to help others walk to better health and find inner balance? This is Modul 2 of the instructor training course to become a Breathwalk Instructor.

Tid och plats
04 sep. 2021 09:00 – 05 sep. 2021 16:00
Höganäs N, Bökebolsvägen 30, 263 77 Mölle, Sverige
Om evenemanget
Breathwalk is a development of kundalini yoga, where yoga is carried out in nature and done on foot. During the walk, we connect yoga's breathing techniques to the steps. Breathwalk has many health-promoting effects and is a simple, natural and effective way to feel good.
This certification course is in 2 modules and includes four course days, self-study and you get basic knowledge about the impact of the Breathwalk on body and soul.
Module 1, June 18-19 Module 2, September 4-5
The teacher is Camilla Lund Elander from Yogadimensions. Camilla has many years of experience in leading Breathwalk.
For more information, prices and registration go to www.yogavanner.se